WYLC Payment

Registration Fee Details for WYLC 2025

The registration fee for the World Youth Leadership Conference (WYLC) 2025 covers the total cost of the program, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching experience for all participants. The fee includes:

1. Meals: Enjoy lunch, snacks, and a closing dinner provided throughout the conference.
2. Learning and Presentation Sessions: Participate in engaging learning sessions and presentations with global experts.
3. Program Materials: Receive all necessary materials to enhance your conference experience.
4. Goodies: Take home exclusive conference goodies.

Please note that the registration fee does not cover:

1. Airfares: Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements to and from the conference.
2. Accommodation: The fee does not include accommodation. Participants should arrange their own lodging.
3. Meals Outside the Event: Meals before and after the event, or those not provided by us, are not included.
4. Visa Fees: Participants must cover their own visa fees.

Payment Methods

To facilitate your registration, we accept payments through the following methods:

Bank Transfer
Online Payment

Payment details will be provided upon acceptance of your registration. For any additional assistance or queries, please feel free to email us at info@wylconference.com.

We look forward to welcoming you to WYLC 2025 and providing an exceptional experience in Bangkok!

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Wilmington, DE 19804 USA

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