WYLC Funding

We understand that attending events you're deeply passionate about may sometimes face financial hurdles. However, we've witnessed how fundraising can open doors for eager participants. Many attendees have successfully raised funds for airfare, stay and registration fees, making their dream of joining the event a reality. While we, unfortunately, cannot offer direct funding to participants, we encourage you to explore various avenues for financial support.

Here are some tips to help you raise funds:

1. Obtain an Official Letter (Sponsorship Letter) from Us: Request an official sponsorship letter from us, which can serve as valuable documentation when approaching potential sponsors. This letter can add credibility to your cause and highlight the significance of your participation.

2. Start Early and Explore Options: Early planning is crucial for successful fundraising. Begin your search for sponsors as soon as possible and explore multiple avenues for potential support.

3. Approach Different Entities: Reach out to your school, university, affiliated organisations, local businesses, government bodies, international contacts, NGOs, and INGOs. Sharing your passion, enthusiasm, and genuine need can resonate with potential sponsors, encouraging them to support your journey.

4. Consider Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms can be powerful tools to rally support from a broader audience. Leverage these platforms to share your story and engage with a network of supporters who share your vision.

5. Personalize Your Outreach: When approaching potential sponsors, personalize your messages to demonstrate your genuine interest and dedication. Highlight how your participation aligns with their values and objectives.

While fundraising can be a challenging process, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Remember that every effort counts, and with determination and creativity, you can make attending the event a reality. We believe in your potential, and by exploring various fundraising avenues, you'll be one step closer to embarking on this unforgettable journey. Join us in making your dream event a reality!

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